Everything You Need To Know About Celery Juice


I’ve been riding this celery juice train for a while now, and I don’t intend on getting off any time soon. When I drink celery juice in the morning I immediately feel alive, refreshed, clear and calm. If I had to recommend only one thing from the Medical Medium protocol to start incorporating, without hesitation, celery juice.

Anthony William describes celery juice as the greatest tool for recovering your health. You’re about to find out why.


In this blog post I will discuss the benefits of celery juice and answer your questions regarding implementing this into your morning ritual.

Just so you know, I get all of this info from the source, Medical Medium. A lot of what I’m about to share comes straight from the horses mouth, so I suggest you read his post on celery juice as well for further details.

Alright, let’s get started!




We’ll start with the fact that celery juice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It’s perfect for reversing inflammation because it starves pathogens and “bad” barteria (like strep) and encourages a healthy environment for “good” bacteria.

Mineral Salts

Two magical words: mineral salts. It’s these salts found in celery juice that break down pathogen’s cell membranes, eventually killing and destroying them.

The natural occurring sodium in celery also helps to stabilize blood pressure.

The salts cling to toxic salts from poor-quality foods and helps to draw them out of your body while replacing them with these life saving mineral salts.

Trust me, you want these mineral salts in your body! They’re extremely hydrating, because of the electrolytes that hydrate at a deep cellular level.


Hydrochloric Acid

Two more words you want to be familiar with. Hydrochloric acid is the acid in your gut that aids in breaking down and assimilating what you eat, so that the nutrients from food can then be properly distributed. When your hydrochloric acid is weak, you can’t break down food properly, so the food just sits there and rots (hello digestive issues and constant bloating).

So drink up and support your hydrochloric acid and your digestion!

The Brain

The mineral salts in celery juice ignite electrical impulse activity and support neuron function. Huh?! Basically, the mineral salts in celery juice acts like the battery charger for the brain. This is extremely healing for people struggling with depression, anxiety, brain fog, confusion, ADHD, OCD, as well as people who have difficult concentrating.

Emotional Support

We tend to hold a lot of fear and anxiety in our guts, which then runs deep into our nervous system. Because celery juice restores the digestive system, drinking this helps to put your mind and heart at ease. If you’re feeling scared, anxious, unsure, or afraid, add some celery juice to your diet.



Ok, you’re convinced. You’re ready to hop on that celery juice train with me. Welcome aboard!


1 bunch of celery (this will make approximately 16oz, recommended amount)


Rinse celery and run it through a juicer.

Drink immediately for best results.

Using a blender

You can also chop the celery and blend it until smooth (do not add water and use a high-speed blender). Then use a nut-milk bag to strain. Watch this video for further instructions on the blender option.

Pro tip: remove the leaves at the top. It’ll make it less bitter and so much more enjoyable. And yes, you will eventually get used to the taste to the point where you’ll be craving this sweet, creamy baby every morning. Trust.


Celery Juice Q&A

When do I drink celery juice?

Every. Single. Morning. On an empty stomach. Wait about 20 minutes after you drink the juice to consume anything else. You will need to have breakfast (this is not a meal replacement. Here is my medical medium approved breakfast).

How much do I drink?

Approximately 16oz. Which is one bunch of celery (one head). If you’re just starting out and you can’t fathom drinking 16oz, start with what you can and work your way up. Take your time getting used to it and do what feels right for you.

Can I mix water or something else with it?

You can do whatever your precious heart desires, but pure celery will give you the best results. Again, if the thought of celery makes you gag, add an apple, but slowly wean off of it until it’s pure celery juice.


What’s the best juicer?

Anthony recommends the Green Star. I’ve personally never tried this juicer, but I’ve watched plenty of juice porn and I can say this extracts so much juice leaving you with very little pulp and very little mess. You’ll get more juice out of fruits and veggies, which in the long run will save you money. It's one of the best out there. This one runs around $430.

The Breville is also recommended by Anthony. It's the one I've had for years. This is a good value juicer. It won’t extract as much juice, and it takes you longer to clean the damn thing than it is to make the juice, but hey, it gets the job done. Runs about $120. (Breville is sold at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Hello, 20% coupon!).

The Aicok is the last one Anthony recommends. It's the cheapest one at $70, so if you're on a tight budget, a good place to start. It looks small and easy to clean.


Will it heal my acne?

I can’t answer this with a yes or no. I can say that it will starve the strep, but you have to follow the whole protocol to get the best results for your skin.

Where did you get your Team Celery Juice tank?

My Aussie girl over at @rosegoldspoonies. Check her out on insta and support a fellow tribe member!

Where can I find cheap celery?

I have found the cheapest organic celery ($2 for one bunch) at a farmers market, so check with your local farmers market for a good deal.

Do I have to buy organic?

Organic is always going to be the best option, but I know we’re not all rolling in dough. If you buy conventional celery just make sure to wash it really well.



Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s sells a decent fruit and veggie wash. Check your local natural grocer.

Can you juice a batch and drink it throughout the week?

For best results, juice and drink immediately. But I know time is of the essence. If you HAVE to juice it the night before, the celery juice police will not come after you. Do the best you can. That’s what matters.

Will I detox?

I created this question for all of the “will I breakout”, “will I poop a lot”, “is it normal to feel bloated” questions. Yes, you will detox, but not just from the celery. Also from all of the plants you’re hopefully eating too. Every BODY is different, so detox symptoms will vary.

I was extremely bloated when I started drinking celery juice. My stomach was performing some cirque du soleil soirée, I swear. It was flipping and in knots. But I kept at the protocol and it settled.

Another note on detox: detox happens when there are toxins in your body making their way out. I know it’s not the most pleasant experience, but it needs to come out (better out than in!). So just be patient and kind to yourself throughout the detox process. It happens in like chunks, because our bodies are kind and they give us a break when we need it.


Moving forward

Phew. How’s that for a mouthful of celery juice?!

I really, truly hope this helps. But one final reminder...

You can drink ALLLLLLLL of the celery juice in the world, eat meticulously clean, spend all of your money shopping organic, but the food we feed our bodies is only secondary to the food we feed our souls.

If you’re in a toxic relationship, in a job you hate, in an environment that doesn’t empower you, it’s going to be difficult.


If you’re not expressing yourself creatively, honoring your emotions, speaking up for yourself, living YOUR truth, all of the celery juice in the world will not heal you.

True healing began for me when I looked at my itchy inflamed skin in the mirror and said “I love you”...and meant it. When I booked that one way ticket to India. When I signed up for salsa classes. When I started writing from my heart. When I spent more time with Mother Earth. When I said goodbye to old patterns and mindsets.

That work was (and still is) way harder than waking up early to juice celery.


What I’m trying to say is that you’re here because you WANT to heal. But as you’re filling your tummy with nutritious plants, remember to feed your soul, to heal the spiritual and emotional body as well, because our physical symptoms are simply a manifestation of something much deeper.

Do the work. Be loving and super kind to yourself. And never forget, you are perfect and beautiful just the way you are!

Right here. Right now. You are enough.

If you have any questions, if you hated this post, if you loved everything about it, please let me know in the comments below. If you hated it, I’ll probably delete it ; ). No haters allowed. But if you loved it, I’ll send you a big ol’ cosmic hug!


God bless you and thank you for reading my words. From my heart to yours.



Hi! I’m Janelle, celery juice junkie, solo-traveling soul-seeker, over-sharing storyteller, healing foods expert, chronic deep thinker, spiritual self-help bookworm, sober Miami girl, papaya eating fanatic, eager grocery shopper, and free spirit foodie, sharing my journey into awakening and love for conscious food, kinda like Anthony Bourdain meets Oprah.

I created The Free Spirit Foodie in 2016 as a way to process a lay off, a year-long solo trip around India, and a search for God. It evolved into a sacred digital space to share everything I was experiencing and learning.

We’re talking solo-female traveling, plant-based living, holistic healing, and all of the AHA moments in between. Thank you for joining me on this journey. May you be reminded you are not alone and that living an authentic life is our only purpose.


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