Story time!

Back in 2017, searching for God amongst the Mysore Market coconuts.

Back in 2017, searching for God amongst the Mysore Market coconuts.


Hi! I’m Janelle, and my mission is to awaken God’s love in all hearts ❤️.

It was in 2016 that I walked my own dark night of the soul and experienced what some might call a spiritual awakening.

I was being thrown out of the only life I knew and thrusted into a new chapter.

It felt like a death. And in a way, a part of me was dying and I was grieving my ignorantly blissful, unconscious life.

The simple, conventional life I knew was ending and I was awakening to a different level of consciousness. Of course, I had no idea what was going on.

I was detached, disheveled, and delirious.

Oprah’s Supersoul Sunday Conversations and Deepak Chopra’s YouTube meditations were the only things that calmed my hysterical ass down.

In a desperate attempt to make sense of what was happening to me, I booked a one-way ticket to India. Terrified and alone, I went searching for God.

My life quickly became a dreamy scene straight out of Eat, Pray, Love, but like, more dramatic of course. I backpacked Incredible India alone for a year, where I met my Guruji, became a Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher, studied Buddhism, got five cases of food poisoning, trekked the Himalayas, connected with my soul family, drank my body weight in chai, and came Home.

It was the best, most challenging year of my life.

I returned to Miami from my pilgrimage with twenty flowy skirts and a new personal mission:

  • Make healing inclusive

  • Dedicate my life to awakening and surrendering

  • Share my healing journey publicly 

  • Help people live more spiritually aligned lives

  • Awaken God’s love in all hearts

I never got back on that corporate ladder. Backpacking, healing and oversharing became my lifestyle. 

I’ve been in this healing space for many, many years. I’ve studied and applied every ancient and modern healing modality known to man (ok maybe not EVERY, but A LOT).

Hatha yoga, ashtanga yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, all the yoga, reiki, talk therapy, acupuncture, forest bathing, subconscious reprogramming, nervous system regulation, inner child healing — truly, I love it all!

But for me, a daily meditation practice that helps me:

  • detach from the mind and become the observer

  • tap into my innate qualities of patience, compassion and Love

  • and quiet the voices outside of me and tune into God’s voice…

Is where it’s at.

It took a while for me to learn this, but I finally get it:

Psychology is wonderful for understanding the mind. But Spirituality and Meditation is necessary for transcending the mind.

I believe that if we really want to experience a state of calm and clarity, we must develop a daily meditation practice and sincere relationship with God.

This is what I believe to be the most effective, sustainable and powerful form of Self-Realization.

There is no greater work than healing and awakening, reclaiming our wholeness and authenticity, realizing there is nothing wrong with us, and coming Home to everything we already are.

THAT is freedom, love, joy, inner-frikin-peace.

Today, you can find me speaking less, listening more, stuffing my face with papayas, waiting for the formal invitation (#projectorlife), picking the restaurant, guiding soul-led seekers, ranting on the gram, playing food critic, and always, always planning my next escape.

Thank you for reading my story. You are welcome here anytime.