How I’m Healing My Acne Holistically


(The first half of this post was written in August 2018. The second half is an update, which was written in May 2019. Enjoy and happy healing!)

I’ve been healing my acne holistically based on medical advice from a medium.

His name is Anthony William, aka Medical Medium. He’s been gifted with a divine voice he calls “Spirit” that speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain and what they need to do to restore their health.

He has healed tens of thousands of people from chronic ailments and mystery illnesses and continues to do so. And he won’t take any credit for it. He is simply serving Spirit.

Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all, like Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hashimoto’s disease, chronic inflammation, depression, and yes, acne, because the root cause of acne is still one of the most misunderstood mystery illnesses out there.

The information he shares with us is decades ahead of its time.


Health fads don’t work

With all of the information we’re bombarded with concerning health and wellness, we can get confused and overwhelmed and even hopeless. One day kale is the new superfood, the next day studies show too much kale can be dangerous for your health.

Not to mention, who is funding these recent studies and research?!? Don’t get me started on that. Health fads will never heal us.

Which is why I made the decision to stick to my one source. Why Medical Medium? Other than the obvious all natural solutions he offers, what really spoke to me were his solutions for restoring the soul and the hidden spiritual messages hidden behind each juicy bite of fruits and veggies.

Ok, let’s get to the good stuff.

Before (summer 2017, a few months before MM protocol). After (fall 2018, 11 months into MM protocol).

Before (summer 2017, a few months before MM protocol). After (fall 2018, 11 months into MM protocol).


The truth behind acne

It’s time to finally reveal the true cause of acne and how you can heal using all natural methods. This is not a pseudo promise. It’s the real deal.

We’ll start with...

What the heck is acne?!

It’s more than pimples on your face. And it’s definitely not your genes, hormones, or cursed skin. Acne is a direct result of a bacteria deep in our systems known as streptococcus, aka strep. Besides acne, strep is the cause of a number of other health issues including UTI’s, pneumonia, SIBO, yeast infections, migraines, styes, and sinus problems.

If you suffered from strep throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis and/or frequent styes as a child, chances are you have strep in your system, which is the root cause of your adult cystic acne.

It’s important you read this post by Medical Medium and listen to the podcast as well (the podcast is in the post, first thing at the top!). He dives deep into strep, giving you all of the information you need to start your healing journey in a way you, the average non-doctor person, can understand.

There you have it. You can now take a big sigh of relief.

Acne is no longer a mystery!

The power is now in your hands. Moving forward, your healing will be a direct result of your efforts and faith in your body’s ability to heal.


What to avoid?

The first thing we need to do on the Medical Medium protocol is starve the strep. The strep survives and thrives because we, unknowingly, are feeding and strengthening it, resulting in acne, migraines, sinuses, uti’s, and a host of other symptoms.

The following foods feed strep and other pathogens in our systems. Remember, we want to starve and kill the strep, not feed it.

Here is a list of all the NO foods:

  • No eggs: Streps’ favorite food. If you put an egg in a petri dish with any strain of strep and observe it under a microscope, you will see a complete feeding frenzy. If you have cystic acne, stop the eggs immediately.

  • No dairy: Not only is dairy highly inflammatory, it stays in your system by way of little deposits in your liver and other parts. It takes a while to clear your system of dairy, so do your best to avoid this while healing.

  • No corn: Most corn nowadays is GMO. It feeds strep as well.

  • No soy: Same with soy...GMO.

  • No canola oil: Feeds strep and is also highly inflammatory.

  • No gluten: Gluten feeds strep. And although it can be challenging to avoid gluten, it is worth it if you’re trying to heal acne.

Eliminate these immediately and you’ll start seeing a difference in your skin within weeks. If you feel tempted to indulge in an egg or a croissant, just remember you are choosing to keep the strep in your body alive by doing so. It’s your choice at this point.

We’re all humans, we have our moments of cravings, myself included. Bread has been the hardest thing for me to eliminate.

If I’m being honest, I still sneak in a piece here and there. But I also have to remember if I’m not getting the results I want, that’s my choice because I have the information and knowledge.

Be disciplined, really REALLY disciplined, but also be loving and kind towards yourself if you have a piece of bread. Do the best you can.


Healing Foods and Steps

As we starve the strep, we want to nourish the good bacteria and strengthen our immune systems. It is a strong immune system that combats strep. It’s not so much about killing/battling strep, but more about strengthening the immune system. That’s where your focus needs to be.

Here is a list of healing foods, supplements and steps you can start with to further kill that strep:

  • 16 oz of celery juice: First thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This juice strengthens hydrochloric acid in the gut and provides mineral salts to the central nervous system. If there is anything you do incorporate into your daily routine, incorporate the celery juice in the morning. It is a miracle tonic. I know everyone says this nowadays, but this truly is life changing. Just scroll through Medical Medium’s Instagram page for hundreds of testimonies.

  • Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: The seven ingredients in this smoothie work in synergy to remove heavy metals such as mercury and lead, which are favored foods of strep. Click here for the recipe.

  • Fruit, fruit, and more fruit: Fruit is the most healing food on the planet, a gift direct from the Divine to help us maintain optimal health. Bananas, papaya, berries, mango are all excellent fruits for combating strep. Click here to read why you shouldn’t be afraid of fruit sugar.

  • Leafy greens: Such as spinach, kale, butter lettuce, chard, red lead lettuce. An abundance of leafy greens!

  • Garlic and onion: Incredible foods for killing strep.

  • Supplements ester-C, zinc and b12: Start with these to further strengthen your immune system and flush out toxins. Click on this link to get a list of preferred supplements recommended by Medical Medium.

  • Prayer: You can eat all the spinach in the world, but if you don’t believe you’re going to heal, you’re not going to heal. Prayer is the most powerful tool you have for healing. You don’t have to pray to God. You don’t even have to pray. You can just sit by the ocean and talk to her, just like you are talking with a friend. Simply believe that something bigger than you, something that loves you unconditionally, is listening and helping.

Love. Heals.

Love. Heals.


Does this really work?

Yes. It is one of the few things in my life I’m 100% confident about. For the first time since I’ve had acne, I feel like I finally understand what’s going on, I have my power back and I’ve seen drastic improvements since incorporating Medical Medium’s advice for strep.

And not just with my skin, but in my overall health and relationship with food.

It’s important to keep in mind that when healing the skin holistically it’s going to take time. This isn’t a magic potion concocted by a rare bee found only in the jungles of a newly discovered planet that will give you glowing, perfect skin in 5 minutes.

There’s no such cure. There never will be.

I repeat, nothing topical will ever cure your acne. You have to combat the root cause, strep, and strengthen the immune system. That’s the secret my friend.

True healing, from the inside out, is not linear, and it takes time. For the first time in 15+ years, I’m not slathering my face with anything I wouldn’t eat. And I’m learning this healing journey is so much more than my skin.

Acne is just one symptom of the strep bacteria. I’m also healing so many other ailments like migraines, UTI’s, sinuses, brain fog, anxiety and depression.

But more importantly, I’m healing my soul.

This is just a stepping stone in the larger healing journey of my soul. My acne has been the biggest lesson in self-love and self-worth.

Papaya is my favorite skin food!

Papaya is my favorite skin food!


Don’t let your acne go to waste

The healing truly begins when you switch the relationship with your skin from one of attack, shame, and battle to one of gratitude, acceptance and love. I challenge you to write a love letter to your skin tonight.

Thank her for the message. For warning you that there’s something going on in there. For not giving up on you. For helping you to love yourself above all else.

And NOW, my friend, you’re ready to heal.


Speaking to you

If any of this is speaking to the very depths of your soul, if this is just clicking, please please PLEASE follow Medical Medium. He has a thriving presence on Instagram, along with a dedicated tribe of members that share even more information.

His podcasts on SoundCloud are powerful. There’s just something about listening to Spirit’s message through his voice that will sink even deeper.

And then there’s the website and blog, with hundreds of recipes and informative posts. All of this is FREE! The information is not funded by anyone or anything. It’s straight from the source of Spirit.

If you feel called, purchase any one of his books, which are incredibly eye opening and life-changing. Start with his first book, simply titled Medical Medium (pictured above). It’s a great introduction to Spirit’s message with details on what to eat, what not to eat, and how to heal.

Life Changing Foods is my favorite book because he shares with us the spiritual lessons hidden in 50 different fruits and vegetables. Did you know a potato has a spiritual message for us? A POTATO?! You will never eat the same again.

But just know you don’t have to purchase anything to start healing. It wasn’t until weeks after being on the protocol and seeing results that I actually purchased a book. I got all the information I needed to start for free. That’s how I knew Medical Medium was the real deal.


One-on-One Coaching

I’ve been there, and now I’m here, for you. If you’re looking for a little more support as you embark on your holistic skin healing journey, let’s work together!

I am passionate about helping women heal their acne holistically using Medical Medium advice for strep, heaps of self-love and an energetic spiritual practice.

Together we will create a step-by-step guide to get you healing and loving the skin you’re in. Click here to schedule a call.


It’s a lifestyle

I’ve been on the Medical Medium Protocol for 7 months now. That means I’ve been drinking the celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie daily, I cut out eggs, dairy, soy, corn, canola oil, and gluten from my diet, I take the supplements he recommends, I’ve been eating more raw fruits and veggies than ever before, and I’ve been praying to my Angels.

Do you have to do this forever?

I don’t know, but I will say this. There’s no such thing as a 2-week detox or a “heal your acne in 30 days!” program. Like I mentioned above, holistic healing takes time. The length, the outcome, the process, it’s specific to each individual.

This is a lifestyle.

If you’re ready to live your happiest healthiest life, join the MM Tribe! Team Celery Juice as some of us like to call it.

You don’t have to suffer anymore. You are not alone. You can and will heal!


You are so lucky to have come across this information. Consider it a gift from the Divine. Because you are unconditionally loved and supported. Don’t take it for granted.

Welcome to the tribe. Let the healing begin!


An Update: May 2019

Oh man! It’s been a while and an update on my most popular blog post is desperately needed. I wrote the original “How I’m Healing My Acne” post in August 2018. It’s now May 2019 and a lot has changed.

I noticed my language in that first post and laugh. A lot of “discipline” and “strict” was thrown around. I laugh because now I’m telling people to eat chocolate cake. Ha!

My language and attitude has undergone a major transformation. I and my advice is so much more relaxed. I actually enjoy the protocol now. I love it so much I’ll be doing this for the rest of my life.

But that’s because I found my flow. I tailored the protocol to work for me.

It’s been about a year and half since I’ve been on the Medical Medium protocol for strep. I’ve learned a lifetime of invaluable lessons I can’t wait to share with you.

Where to start?!

Let’s start with a skin update. She’s never been happier and healthier. If you’re still skeptical about the Medical Medium protocol, let these photos be proof. It works my friends. 

But the protocol is just one layer of this healing, vegan, gluten-free cake. I mentioned this in my original post, and I stand by it still; food is secondary. A healthy emotional and spiritual body is even more vital to living our healthiest, happiest lives.

Where I was once this strict, overly disciplined Medical Mediumer (I’ll be trademarking that), I am now so much more relaxed. I never feel deprived, I eat really well, and I don’t even care how my skin looks. I care about how she feels.

Here’s what I’ve been doing for my skin (and my soul) since we last spoke:

A year and a half into Medical Medium protocol for strep. No filter.

A year and a half into Medical Medium protocol for strep. No filter.


I continue avoiding the no foods…for the most part 

I would say 9 months into the protocol I loosened the belt a little. It was a trip to Cuba that did it for me. Trying to explain to my Cuban family I just met why I don’t eat eggs, bread, butter, milk, etc. etc., etc., I realized how ridiculous I sounded to them. So I ate the beautiful, gluten and dairy loaded cake my uncle baked me. 

That was a significant moment in my healing journey; the first time I ate eggs

You see, I cheated a handful of times with gluten throughout my first 9 months. But eggs. Eggs was the one food I swore I would NEVER touch. I was so afraid of eating eggs. I visualized this little evil army of strep going to war at my insides, having a frantic feeding frenzy, growing stronger and more evil, like little incredible hulks. I know I’m not the only one with these visuals…

But the problem wasn’t the eggs. The problem was never the eggs. The problem was the fear that I was still carrying around.

Here I am, a privileged American, in CUBA, avoiding a food my family is selflessly sharing with me. I felt disgusted with myself. It was the first time I stepped out of my first-world healing bubble and saw my situation for what it was; self-imposed.

In that moment I took full responsibility of my situation. I stopped blaming the strep. I stopped blaming past Janelle. I stopped blaming the toxic world we live in. I stopped the “poor me, I’m so weak and sick, why me, I’m so sensitive to everything, why me!?” story. I stopped all of that and held myself accountable.

And I got my power back.

Fear will keep you stuck in your healing journey. It does not serve you. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Ever.

After my trip to Cuba, I willingly began introducing some no foods. I keep it to a minimum. I still rarely eat eggs, but when I do, it’s always in a chocolate cake and you better believe I savor every delicious bite with a smile on my face.

Only love now. Love for all food, for my journey, for myself.

And yes, even love for my strep, because it’s what woke my ass up and made me the most conscious eater I know. In a way, it is one of my greatest teachers. For that lesson, I am eternally grateful.

I woke up like this. Literally. Best skin day ever. A year in a half into the protocol. No filter.

I woke up like this. Literally. Best skin day ever. 1.5 years into the protocol. No filter.


I removed food labels 

I stopped labeling food as good, bad, yes, no. There is no such thing as a “no” food. No such thing as '“cheating”. No such thing as “slipping”.

There just is.

Like Shakespare shared so eloquently:

“…for there is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’’

The information Anthony shares with us isn’t meant to scare us or keep us stuck. Spirit wants us to be informed so we can get our power back and stop depending on others to explain to us what’s happening in our own bodies. He just wants us to understand the WHAT and WHY.

It’s not meant to judge. It’s just meant to know.

The gluten isn’t bad. It’s feeding the strep. The coffee isn’t bad. It’s causing dehydration. The celery juice isn’t good. It’s starving strep. Depending on your needs, you can now make the choices you need to make for the results you desire.

Approaching the protocol this way removed the self-imposed pressure and I was FINALLY able to relax.

I will say this though. If you’re new to the protocol and your specific strain of strep is aggressive, my personal opinion is:

Be strict for the first few months. You’ll know when your immune system is strong enough and the strep weakened so you too can relax and eat some damn pizza. You don’t have to be raw vegan to heal. You can actually enjoy this process and do it YOUR way.

Found my hot, bitter celery in Thailand. For the skin!

Found my hot, bitter celery in Thailand. For the skin!


I focused on strengthening my immune system

Speaking of strengthening the immune system, I continued changing my language around the protocol. Where I was once focused on killing and battling strep, the focus is now primarily on strengthening my immune system.

The words “battle” and “kill” have such a negative connotation to them, something I became so mindful of removing. I wanted nothing to do with negativity around my new lifestyle.

Rather than focusing on the strep, I began focusing on my immune system. When making food choices, it came down to two simple things. What I’m about to eat is either:

A) Strengthening my immune system

B) Strengthening the strep

It’s truly that simple. It’s a strong immune system that’s going to truly get rid of this strep, so that’s where my focus lies. If 90% of the time the food I’m eating is immune system strengthening, I think it’s ok if I eat some bread every now and then. My immune system is still stronger than the strep.

Shift your language. Shift your healing.


I did both the 28-Day Healing Cleanse and the 3:6:9 Liver Rescue Cleanse

I have very personal opinions about both cleanses, but I’m not going to get into it here because choosing to do these cleanses are very intimate choices and I don’t want to taint what your intuition is telling you to do.

Do what feels right for you. Not what some “influencer” said you should do because she had a wonderful experience, or what you shouldn’t do because she hated every minute of it. No two experiences will ever be the same.

I will say they really helped me in my healing journey, on a deep emotional level. I released so many pent-up emotions I didn’t even know I was carrying around, which in turn healed me physically, because our physical symptoms are simply manifestations of something much, much deeper.

Freeing my friend. So damn freeing!

But only do the cleanses if and when you feel ready. It’s not going to help much if you’re forcing yourself to do it. Nothing works with force, but with grace and willingness.

When you’re ready, you’ll know.

No fats before noon.

No fats before noon.


I introduced Liver Rescue mornings 

After doing the 3:6:9 cleanse, I continued avoiding fats before noon. This has been a HUGE factor in taking my healing to the next level. As mentioned in Anthony’s Liver Rescue book, avoiding fats before lunch is an excellent way to push strep out of the liver.

The liver is streps’ favorite place to hide, and the most stubborn place to get it out of. The liver is like this dark, cozy, little room for the strep, with a comfy ass bed and clean white sheets, on a rainy afternoon. It’s not getting out of bed. Ever.

The reason why we want to avoid fats in the morning (please excuse my lack of medical terminology. I am not a doctor nor a medical medium. I am simply me, a normal ass person trying her best to explain a semi-complex issue with simple language. Thanks.):

  • While we’re sleeping, the liver is detoxing, pushing all this shit out of it, including strep. The second we eat fats, healthy or not, the liver stops detoxing and gets to work, processing and filtering. Now the strep is nice and secure, back in it’s comfy ass bed.

  • The longer we can extend this detox period, the more strep the liver can release. This is why the 3:6:9 cleanse is so powerful, it’s extending that detox period for days, really getting that strep out of the deepest crevices.

  • But you don’t have to live on a never ending 3:6:9 cleanse. Keeping mornings raw gives the liver additional hours to continue detoxing.

For more info on the liver and acne, check out the Liver Rescue book, or click here for a little snapshot.




I started taking a probiotic

I continue with the initial trifecta: B12, Ester-C and Zinc.

But I recently introduced a probiotic, Pro-Bio by Enzymedica. It is, by far, my favorite supplement. My digestion has never been better. Yes, even better than when I was just drinking celery juice.

I’m not saying you gotta go run and take a probiotic. I am saying that the longer you’re on this path, the more your body speaks to you and the clearer the communication. Mine straight up said “PROBIOTIC”. Yours might be yelling something else. Listen and give her what she wants.

The most beautiful smoothie bowl at Blossoms Cafe in Pai, Thailand.

The most beautiful smoothie bowl at Blossoms Cafe in Pai, Thailand.


I ate a lot

I never feel deprived. I usually eat more than anyone at the table. But I’m stuffing my face with light, nutritious food. If I want two orders of vegan, gluten-free pancakes, you best believe I’m gettin it, and a side order of oven baked fries. And dessert. Always dessert.

You don’t have to be raw vegan to heal. You don’t have to deprive yourself of the foods you love.

You just have to find alternatives.

Hence why I stay stuffing my face with veggies burgers, vegan pizza, gluten-free brownies, and dairy-free coconut milk ice cream. Spirit said nothing about giving up chocolate. So consciously indulge and enjoy your new lifestyle!


I created non-negotioables

Rather than being all like:

  • No eggs

  • No dairy

  • No gluten

  • No corn

  • No soy

  • No life

I came up with three non-negotiables that I won’t, well, negotiate:

  • No eggs

  • No animal protein (this is has nothing to do with Anthony’s advice for strep, just a personal decision)

  • Fresh fruits every damn day

Now I can breath and actually enjoy this whole thing. I still avoid the above no foods 95% of the time, but this approach makes this lifestyle so much more manageable.


I stopped getting facials

I’m not saying facials are bad. I was getting a facial every month for about 6 months and it really helped as I transitioned into my new lifestyle. But during my last facial, in the middle of the tear-jerking extractions, I could literally hear my skin saying “Please stop.

It was one of the best decisions I made for my skin. She doesn’t want to be poked and prodded. She just wants to be. Leave her be.

I did recently get a facial in Thailand because I had a lot of dead skin and needed a professional hand. I told her no extractions and super gentle. She basically cleansed and massaged my face for an hour. So frikin luscious! My skin was so glowy and ecstatic.

Your skin has the power to heal herself. The skin you see now will be gone in about a month. Your epidermis is always making new skin cells that rise to the top to replace the old ones.

With the right foods and attitude, scars will even vanish. I know it’s hard to transition from product junkie to minimalist skincare, but if you’re feeling called to do so, continue speaking lovingly to your skin. She will tell you what to do and when to do it. Listen, honor and trust her.


I started making a daily promise

Every single day I wake and I make one promise to myself regarding the protocol. I don’t wake up and say NO to everything.

For example, I was recently on a little gluten kick. I was eating it pretty much every day. Why is it soooo good, dammit!?

One day I woke up and was like “Nah Janelle. We gotta get this under control”. But instead of claiming “NO GLUTEN FOR 6 MONTHS” (because, let’s be real), I simply promised myself I wouldn’t eat gluten that day.

I can do no gluten for one day. And another day if that’s the promise I choose to make tomorrow. I take things one day at a time and at the end of the day, after keeping the promise to myself, I make sure to let myself know how proud I am! Rather than beating myself up because maybe I had canola oil, I celebrate the fact that I didn’t eat gluten. This way there are little wins and celebrations everyday instead of guilt.

Feeding my soul in Koh Samui, Thailand.

Feeding my soul in Koh Samui, Thailand.


I began traveling long-term again

Traveling long-term is everything to me, and for a while I was a little hesitant to travel because how could I live without my daily celery juice? I realized I had taken my dependence away from benzo and placed it in the hands of celery. I was STILL depending on something outside of me for happiness and health, and mostly out of fear.

To ease my way back into long-term travel I took a few short trips to Guatemala, Cuba and Ecuador. It wasn’t long before the travel bug got me again and I was planning my 6-month trip to Southeast Asia.

After a year on the protocol I felt ready to hit the road again. I brought a few supplements with me along with my non-negotiables and daily promise. I do the best I can, and I’m feeding my soul in a way celery juice simply can’t.

P.S: Two months in Thailand and my skin has never looked better!


I completely let go

Completely. I released any and all expectations. I surrendered my healing to God and stopped caring when I would heal and started affirming:

“I’m already healed.”

I can’t say it was one specific thing that got me to this point. This point being not obsessing about my skin and barely even thinking about her. It’s a strange place to be, but my good God a freeing one. I think it was a little bit of everything I just shared above. But especially the below.


I started helping others

The day I shared a picture of my raw, inflamed skin on Instagram was the day this whole thing stopped being about me. I opened the flood gates and found myself being the most vulnerable I had ever been.

How incredibly healing that was!

I was being pulled in the direction of service, whether I liked it or not.

I hired a business coach, revamped The Free Spirit Foodie, starting offering skincare coaching services and got crystal clear on WHY I was doing any of this.

To help you.

Need help?

Whether it’s the first time you’re hearing about celery juice or you’ve been riding this CJ train for a while, I’m here for you.

Overwhelmed with all of this info? Feeling stuck in your healing journey? Having a hard time giving up cheeseburgers? Afraid of eating a no food? Feeling deprived? Not enjoying any of this?

We need to chat!

I offer a variety of skincare coaching sessions to get you glowing from the inside out. We focus on food and supplements (duh), but we also spend time digging deep getting to your personal WHY, discussing self-love rituals and how to actually be excited about this new lifestyle.

You’re not alone.

Schedule your coaching session today and let’s get you glowing girl!

Thank you for reading my words. I know this was lengthy, but I wanted to be as detailed and honest as possible in the hopes that my personal healing journey can help you.

Please leave a comment below. Share where you’re at, what you’re learning along the way, anything you want! I would love to hear from you.

Happy Healing!


Hi! I’m Janelle, celery juice junkie, solo-traveling soul-seeker, over-sharing storyteller, healing foods expert, chronic deep thinker, spiritual self-help bookworm, sober Miami girl, papaya eating fanatic, eager grocery shopper, and free spirit foodie, sharing my journey into awakening and love for conscious food, kinda like Anthony Bourdain meets Oprah.

I created The Free Spirit Foodie in 2016 as a way to process a lay off, a year-long solo trip around India, and a search for God. It evolved into a sacred digital space to share everything I was experiencing and learning.

We’re talking solo-female traveling, plant-based living, holistic healing, and all of the AHA moments in between. Thank you for joining me on this journey. May you be reminded you are not alone and that living an authentic life is our only purpose.


Everything You Need To Know About Celery Juice


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