Broke & Heartbroken

My love,

Hi. How are you? It me.

Broke & Heartbroken.

And it’s BEEN me. I feel like it’s been the theme of my life for the past couple of (not months) years.


  • When am I gonna catch a break? 

  • When am I gonna be Rich & In Love? 

  • When will my intuition lead me to that happily ever after?

Wondering if I’m truly “in tune”. Maybe I’m not as intuitive as I thought I was. You know, I thought I followed my intuition. Why would she, once again, lead me to Broke & Heartbroken?!

I hate to say it, I really do…

But it’s because that’s what I need.

Listen, the only thing I know without a doubt is that my soul came to earth to spiritually evolve. (And that we are all unconditionally loved. I know that without a doubt, too.)

So with that mission in mind, my intuition (aka my soul) isn’t going to lead me to [my mind’s definition of] rich, in love and happily ever after. 

It’s going to lead me to the next *thing* I need to experience so that I can spiritually evolve.

That’s intuition.

We often think intuition is going to lead us to that societal happily ever after. Like that is THE role of our intuition.

It’s only job – to make us happy.

The Hard Truth about Your Intuition

Your intuition is your soul.

And remember, you are a soul having a human experience. So your intuition is actually who you truly are. It’s your Truth.

Your Truth trying to overcome the mind.

Its main role isn’t to fulfill all of your mind’s desires – the next thing you “think” will make you (and keep you) happy.

Your intuition will not coddle you or indulge you or pamper you. What it will do is lead you to your Truth.

If you’re really in tune - (and you are) - your intuition will guide you to the next person, place, situation, or whatever it is you need to experience in order to let go of everything you’re not so you can reconnect with everything you already are.

And if you follow your intuition and arrive at Broke & Heartbroken, it’s not that your intuition is broken or you’re not in tune…

It’s simply what you need at this moment to help you let go and reconnect.

Because again, your soul didn’t come to earth to fulfill every single one of your mind’s desires for bouts of fleeting happiness.

Your soul is here, on earth, to be freed.

When I stop judging Broke & Heartbroken as bad and wrong (listen sometimes, most days, I still do), and instead pause and ponder on: 

  • What role am I playing in my own suffering?

  • How can I spiritually grow from this?

  • From a spiritual perspective, why do I think I’m here?

I can get out of my head and into my heart.

I know that’s incredibly hard to do. To accept the suffering and try to learn and grow from it.

This isn’t to say you just accept and wallow in the suffering.

This is to say that when you give yourself that time to pause and ponder *before taking action*, you can then move forward with more calm, clarity and compassion. You can move forward from a grounded place of authenticity. You can move forward and be one step closer to your Truth.

Rather than spinning in circles in the same difficult patterns.

Your intuition isn’t leading you to an easy life. It’s not leading you to a hard one either.

Your intuition is leading you to YOUR life.

To the life you came here to experience. To the life that will lead you back to You. 

To YOUR truth.

Your truth is that you are a perfect soul. You are wisdom, joy, peace, bliss and love. You are *already* all the things your mind seeks.

The Ever-New Joy that comes with freeing your soul will always trump any and all bouts of fleeting happiness.

What is richer, more loving and happier than realizing you are a perfect soul.

Realizing you are God incarnate.

And that’s when you alchemize the Broke & Heartbroken story to the Rich & In Love one, without changing a damn thing externally.


2023: My Year in Review


36 and (sometimes sorta) Thriving Within: My Unseen Journey of Self-Realization