A Spiritual Approach to Dealing with Rejection

Hello Janelle,

Thank you for your interest in {insert company I was really excited about] and for taking the time to apply for the {insert role I was even more excited about}. Unfortunately…blah blah blah.

I wake up to rejection pretty much daily at this point. 

When I – knowing I shouldn't but do because I don’t listen 🙃 – check my Gmail the second I open my eyes to another email from a no-reply account.

Rejection was something I used to not handle very well. I didn’t know how to handle it.

I’d spiral. And make it all about my worth.

If I’m rejected, it must mean I’m not good enough.

For the man. For the job. For whatever.

Rejection = not good enough.


But all this rejection – it’s doing something to me. It’s recalculating that deep-rooted rejection equation.

I’m facing it so much, I had to pause. Pause and notice the pattern currently occurring in my life. Pause and zoom out to see the bigger picture.

Because there’s always a bigger picture.

A soul picture ✨.

And not that everything is a lesson. 

But everything IS an opportunity to remember our True Nature.

So all this rejection is helping me remember just that.

With each rejection phasing me less and less, I’m realizing it really doesn’t have anything to do with me being worthy or not. (I know that sounds so obvious, but for that knowing to finally click feels different for me.)

Maybe all of this rejection is about me remembering my power. Remembering what I’m capable of. Remembering who I truly am.

God having a human experience.

Because that is the literal purpose of our lives. That is what every experience – especially the difficult ones – is trying to help us remember.

That we are God having a human experience.

And this stuff doesn’t phase God.

It entertains Her.

She just wants us to observe and enjoy the ride that is life. The highs. The lows. All of it. Observe. Detached. In awe. Of all of it.

And there’s so much POWER in remembering my true nature. 

There’s so much FREEDOM in waking up to another rejection and instead of engulfing myself in my mind’s “I suck - I’m not good enough - I’ll never be good enough” incessant chatter, pausing, feeling what’s surfacing, letting it go, observing the mind, and staying grounded in my True Nature.

Because regardless of who realizes it or not, I’m starting to realize it.

Realize I am God having a human experience.

Realize rejection = nothing. It has absolutely nothing to do with me. It definitely has nothing to do with my worth.

And realize true freedom isn’t the perfect job, the perfect man, the perfect city, the perfect whatever.

True freedom is freedom from the mind.


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