How I Cured My Sister's Rosacea

Dear reader,

This is my sister’s skin story—and how I healed her rosacea using advice from Medical Medium.


Her name is Megan and unlike me, Megan didn’t suffer with acne her entire adult life. As a matter of fact, Megan had pretty amazing skin on her face—baby soft if you’d ask me. It always fascinated me how someone who came from literally the same DNA could have completely different skin than me. (This is yet another reason why I used to blame myself for my chronic cystic acne—but no longer do because I know the truth.)

Megan’s nearly baby soft skin wasn’t perfect though (no one’s skin is). Since she was a little girl, Megan would get these mystery “rashes” throughout her body. Nobody knew what they were, and nobody took them that seriously since they would come and go and cause no harm.

She avoided conventional laundry detergent and scented soaps. That seemed to help.

I can’t use that on my skin Janie. It’s too sensitive, you know that,” she would respond anytime I’d recommend my latest natural beauty find.

Be it a hair product or a bubble bath, Megan couldn’t enjoy the Whole Beauty aisle at Whole Foods. She was condemned to boring, unscented Dove and Head and Shoulders.


The Flare Up

Megan got by, like most of us do, not paying too much mind to the little symptom whispers and just living her life. 

Until one day the mystery rash appeared on her face. This time, it didn’t come and go—it came and stayed. After decades of symptom whispers, it became a scream. 

Once it’s on your face and it’s screaming, that’s a demand to pay attention. It’s not a curse like I used to think, but rather an invitation to transform your health and ultimately your life.

I just want cheese!

The Universe loves Megan (as She does you). She gave her a sister (it me) that already lived this nightmare of skin mysteries and figured out how to heal. 

My Medical Medium sermons weren’t anything new to Megan. She’s been hearing me preach and rolling her eyes for a couple of years now. But little did she or I know, there was a seed being planted—and it was time for it to sprout.

Megan (like most people) was skeptical of this whole taking medical advice from a medium. She wanted to eat her cheese and live her life and wait for the rash to disappear like it always does. But it didn’t. On the contrary. It got worse. It got way worse.

Enter Celery Juice

And so, with no quick fixes or an easy way out of this one, she joined the rest of the desperate and discouraged—she caved in and took medical advice from a medium.

Through me of course, because you know my eager self showed up at her doorstep with a step-by-step guide and a custom made grocery list. A lot of TRUST ME’s later, she officially joined the celery juice clique.

I was happy to help my sister—thrilled that someone in my family finally didn’t think I was crazy—that everything I’ve learned through Anthony and my own healing journey was being put to use to help someone I love.

Megan quickly dubbed me her “doctor” (I’m not a doctor, I just play one on TV). I think she was more committed than I was when I first started. She took my advice and ran with it. It was more like an olympic style sprint. She was the embodiment of the perfect student.

I tailored a “skinscription” just for her:

  • Drink celery juice every morning an empty stomach followed by the heavy metal detox smoothie

  • Eat lots and lots and lots of fresh fruit—then eat some more (especially papaya. eat that sht everyday!)

  • Avoid dairy and gluten

  • Take these supplements

  • Try these recipes 

  • Be patient and kind with your body and skin

  • Don’t give up

A few weeks into her new lifestyle, Megan’s skin began to purge. It was one of those “it will get worse before it gets better” situations. That only put Megan into high healing gear. She’s not one to sit around and feel sorry for herself. She’s one to get to work—no excuses. 

Of course she worried (she’s human).

“It’s getting worse Janie, NOT better. Is this really working?” She questioned me.

By the time we get to Michigan, the purging will subdue,” I reassured her.

In a few weeks, we were going to Michigan to visit my little sister. I knew that if she stuck with it, if she was committed and strict for just a few more weeks, the purging would subdue.

No filter. Just pure beauty.

No filter. Just pure beauty.

The After Pic

A month later, Megan showed up in Michigan with her vegan and gluten-free snacks in hand. We both went straight to Kroger and stocked our little sister’s fridge with a mini celery farm. We took turns each morning making celery juice. On the days I felt lazy, Megan inspired ME.

One breezy afternoon, as we sat on Alex’s porch, I said, “Your skin looks amazing. What did I tell you?” I forced her to say my favorite words out loud. “Yes, you were right.” Ahhhh. I love the sound of that.

I pulled out my camera phone and said “Let’s take some after pics!

The proof isn’t always in the “research and science”. The proof is in our lived experiences—in these photos right here. Don’t let anyone negate your personal experience.

The proof isn’t always in the “research and science”. The proof is in our lived experiences—in these photos right here. Don’t let anyone negate your personal experience.

I’m here to help

How do you acknowledge you have a knack for something without sounding pretentious? Maybe with a disclaimer that I mean this with the utmost humility—but really, I have a knack for this. I’m no Medical Medium, but I can sense what someone needs—or at least where to direct them.

I say this to my family ALL THE TIME when they complain about any physical ailment—be it a tummy ache or a headache—“Do this. Take this. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this.” A lot, a lot of trust mes.

And so, I ask you to trust me, I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this—this being skincare and healing foods. 

Megan’s skin healing journey is like mine and many others out there. It’s also far from over—it’s only just begun.

I can’t wait to get back home to my supplements” she tells me the day before she leaves.

Finally, she’s speaking my language.


Are you ready to heal?

If you’re anything like Megan was a couple of months ago—overwhelmed, frustrated, confused—I want to help. I can guide you in the right direction, a path that is tailored specifically to your lifestyle and needs. I’ve been drinking the celery juice Kool-Aid for over two years now. I have coached many, many Megan’s along the way.

I offer One-on-One Skincare Coaching Sessions. Together, we will spend 90 minutes creating a healing “skinscription” just for you.

Sessions include:

  • 90-minute Zoom call

  • Step-by-Step personalized guide

  • Tailored “skinscription”

  • Daily meal plan template

  • Grocery shopping list with links to online purchases

  • Self-love exercise and visualization techniques

  • A recap of our session sent to you for reference with a list of action items tailored to you

  • 7 days of email access to me following your session

  • Access to our private Facebook Group “Skin Sisters”

  • Literally everything you need to get started on your healing journey!

Are you ready to heal?

Hi! I’m Janelle, celery juice junkie, solo-traveling soul-seeker, over-sharing storyteller, healing foods expert, chronic deep thinker, spiritual self-help bookworm, sober Miami girl, papaya eating fanatic, eager grocery shopper, and free spirit foodie, sharing my journey into awakening and love for conscious food, kinda like Anthony Bourdain meets Oprah.

I created The Free Spirit Foodie in 2016 as a way to process a lay off, a year-long solo trip around India, and a search for God. It evolved into a sacred digital space to share everything I was experiencing and learning.

We’re talking solo-female traveling, plant-based living, holistic healing, and all of the AHA moments in between. Thank you for joining me on this journey. May you be reminded you are not alone and that living an authentic life is our only purpose.


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