A Spiritual Detour


So, what have I been up to in India? I know I haven't been blogging or sharing much and it's all for good reason, I promise.

Where do I begin?

When I embarked on this journey a few months ago I was searching for some answers and God knows I had so many questions. This was, in a lot of ways, my spiritual journey. But I could have never prepared myself for the answers I have received in India and for the spiritual transformation that is occurring. India is, after all, the motherland for spiritual seekers. Yes, India may be poor in terms of money, but it's overwhelmingly rich in holy places, traditions and rituals. Those genuinely seeking awareness and peace will find it here.

I knew I would come and practice yoga, meditate, do a little chanting and perhaps learn some Sanskrit. My initial reaction was that India was all so foreign to me, yet so extremely familiar. As I continued to journey through this fascinating country with an open heart I began embracing. The life lessons I have learned in this spiritual haven, the answers I've received about my purpose in life, have flooded me with so much bliss and joy I just felt this intense desire to be completely present.

So, what have I been up to India? Well, ive been in Rishikesh for about 6 weeks, the yoga capital of the world and a truly magical place. I've been spending a lot of time alone, in silence and in solitude. I've been practicing presence. I've been within, within myself grasping what's happening to me. I guess you can say this trip has taken somewhat of a detour, a spiritual detour leading me on an unexpected path, what I feel, what I know to be the right path for me. Of course I can't find the right words to describe this sensation. One day I will. I'll call it my spiritual transformation. An awakening of sorts. For the first time in my life, in my many lives, I have realized who I am, why I'm here and what's my purpose. And it's not at all, let me repeat, AT ALL what I was expecting. And I'll give you a little hint...it's your purpose too ;). It's everyone's purpose.

It's like I'm a new person. I no longer want the things I thought I wanted. I see life in a completely new loving light. I definitely do not want to be in control anymore. I am surrendering to life, to the flow of life. I now know that in reality I have nothing to worry about because The Universe will give me exactly what I need when I need it. She always has, and She always will. All I can do is do things that bring me joy, do all things with love and completely and totally surrender to the flow of life. Everything else will work itself out. I genuinely believe, this...no, I KNOW this.

But of course, I'm not this enlightened Buddha (not yet at least ;)) so from time to time I feel the fear and anxiety creeping up trying to get in on this light. But that's the beauty of this, darkness cannot live in light. Rather than trying to fight or resist these urges I just show my ego, my ego that has been battered down by years of fear and worry, I show her love and compassion. And together we get centered, we become present and we smile at this gift The Universe has given us.

So, this is what I've been doing! Learning these life-changing lessons. I've been practicing yoga, meditating, painting (ok, maybe more like coloring), dancing in my room to Bob Marley, sitting with Mother Ganga, nourishing my body with whole foods, and I've been reading. Oh my God have I been reading! If any of what I'm saying tugs at your souls heartstrings, here are some books I highly recommend as some soul food:

- The Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda - Dying to be Me - Anita Moorjani - The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer - The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer - The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

If this all just sounds like some spiritual mumbo-jumbo, that's ok too ;)! I still appreciate you reading my post.

I also took a Reiki I course! I learned how to heal myself using the powerful energy within. I'm currently on a 21 Day Reiki Self-Healing regiment (for lack of a better term) and I spend an hour every morning healing myself. The power of your own touch is absolutely beautiful!

With all of this being said, I still want to continue blogging. I love sharing, but moving forward I will only share out of pure love. Perhaps my content might change a little, as I just want to share what feels good and spreads this love and light into your heart. But since this blog is simply reflecting the transformation within me, naturally it's bound to change.

I hope I and this blog can continue to inspire you to live a life that is true to you, to never doubt the magnificent Being that you are and to help you experience unconditional love within yourself. Everything you want, everything you need, everything you're searching for, guess what?! It is already within you.

And I leave you with this quote that is everything:

"Stop looking outside for scraps of pleasure or fulfillment, for validation, security and love - you have a treasure within that is infinitely greater than anything the world can offer." - Eckhart Tolle


The Highs and Lows of Trekking the Himalayas 


Welcome to India: Expect the Unexpected